Purpose of the Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool

The purpose of the Network Interfaces and Statistics is to provide details about each network interface, physical and virtual, including IPv4, IPv6 addresses, MAC addresses and activity. The tool also shows the overall IP, ICMP, TCP and UDP packet statistics.

About the Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool

The NetScanTools Pro Network Interfaces and Statistics tool shows a list of Active Interfaces along with basic information about each. It also shows a detailed view of every interface, real and virtual, active and inactive including details about the IPv4, IPv6, MAC Address, MTU, media type, subnet mask, interface index, link speed and much more. The aggregate IP, ICMP, TCP and UDP statistics for all interfaces are also available.

Related Tool Links Network Interfaces - Wireless

Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool Screenshot

Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool Screenshot

Active Adapter List Screenshot

Active Adapter List Screenshot

IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP Statistics Screenshot

IP/ICMP/TCP/UDP Statistics Screenshot

How the Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool works

This tool queries the operating system to find out about every interface and displays the results.

A video of the Network Interfaces and Statistics Tool in action!

None currently available. See Screenshots on the Overview tab.

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This tool also has a DHCP Renew button to renew the same IP address for a longer period of time. The DHCP Release button releases the IPv4 address so that you can obtain a new one.