What is NetScanTools Pro USB Version?

NetScanTools Pro is an integrated collection of internet information gathering and network troubleshooting utilities for Network Professionals. This is the portable 'USB' version which runs entirely from a USB Flash Drive. There is no need for installation, simply plug the flash drive into a Windows computer USB port, allow Windows to recognize it, and then launch NetScanTools Pro from the flash drive**.

Benefits of using NetScanTools Pro USB Version

  • It has the same tools as the 'installed' version of NetScanTools Pro - the difference is all your settings, results and data are saved on the USB flash drive.
  • Installation of NetScanTools Pro is not required to use the software, simply plug in the thumb drive, locate nstpro.exe and run it**.
  • NetScanTools Pro is Digitally Signed and pre-installed (or end-user installed) on a fast USB v3/v2 flash drive.
  • It runs on any Windows 11, 10 computer with an accessible USB 3 or 2 port. Requires GUI, not a command line tool. Windows support details are here.
  • Perfect for technicians who work with many computers in different locations.
**Requires WinPcap or Npcap driver to be installed on the host machine prior to use. See winpcap.org or nmap.org/npcap

NetScanTools Pro USB Version Pricing

New License - we send you a USB Flash Drive - USA locations only

  • $1,668 for a new license preinstalled on a fast 16GB USB 3/USB 2 flash drive (we send you a USB Flash Drive). Shipping cost is extra. SKU# PROUSB
  • How to Buy (Shipping to USA Destinations Only, all other destinations please contact us or choose the option where you supply your own USB Flash Drive)


    Contact us to purchase.

New License - YOU supply your own USB Flash Drive

  • $1,468 for a new license installed by the end user on their own fast USB flash drive (you supply your own USB Flash Drive). Interaction with our tech support is required to do the installation process. SKU# PROUSBSFWU
  • Buy Now (Recommended for non-USA customers. You must supply your own fast USB Flash Drive)


    Buy now through our reseller FastSpring (they do not accept orders with free email addresses like hotmail.com):

Upgrade License

'Upgrade' means that the user already a licensed NetScanTools Pro v10 or v11 on USB.

Upgrade USB v10.x/v11.x to current USB v11.x.

  • $499 for a USB version upgrade to the current 11.x USB version license.


Frequently Asked Questions about NetScanTools Pro USB Version

  • How do I run the software on Windows 11, 10? Double click on nstpro.exe. WinPcap or Npcap (in WinPcap compatibility mode) must be installed on the host computer.
  • Are the executable files digitally signed? Yes, all executable files are digitally signed so that you can be sure of their origin.
  • I already have an installed NetScanTools Pro v11 license. Does the USB license replace it? No, we treat them as separate licenses -- they are separate programs. We can synchronize the maintenance plans if you desire for a substantial cost savings.
  • Why can't I just put the regular installed version on a USB Flash Drive? It won't work because all settings are saved in the Registry of the computer it was originally installed on and the program will not be portable, ie. it will not work on another computer because those registry settings are not present. Also, WinPcap or Npcap must be installed on the computer.
  • Are there any speed issues with running from a USB Flash Drive? Yes. USB Flash Drives are slower than hard drives so you will notice a certain amount of delay in repainting some of the tool windows as you switch between them. Since we save files to the USB drive instead of the hard drive, any of those read/write operations will be slower.
  • Does this version of NetScanTools Pro leave any tracks on the computer it was used on? We have worked to make sure that does not happen and to the best of our knowledge it should not. However, be aware that the operating system does keep a record of all USB devices ever plugged into it in the registry and it keeps a record of most recently used programs. If you want to be completely anonymous you will have to edit the registry to remove those tracks.
  • I own a license for the current version of NetScanTools Pro. Why is there a cost for the USB version? We are supplying a physical USB Flash Drive. The binary files are different between the two versions and are mostly incompatible. Both the USB and Installed versions are released within days of each other so that the version numbers and functionality remains the same.
  • Are there any functions in the installed version that do not work in the USB version? To the best of our knowledge all functions operate the same.
  • Can I put other things on the USB Flash Drive? Yes, but be careful not to fill it up or the programs may not work properly.
  • Can I move NetScanTools Pro to another flash drive? Yes, but it does require our assistance. You are licensed to have this software on one USB Flash Drive.
  • Can I make a backup of the contents of the USB Flash Drive? Yes, we strongly encourage backups. The backup is only for yourself and must not be shared.
  • How do I make a backup? Copy the whole drive contents to your backup media after you have completed the product registration process -- a CDR is recommended. We can help you restore it to another drive if necessary.
  • Is there a maintenance plan for this version? Yes, the terms and conditions are the same as for the installed version. Your maintenance plan begins at that time of receipt of the USB flash drive.
  • I already have v11 with an active maintenance plan. If I get the USB version can I synchronize the maintenance plans so that they both expire at the same time? Yes, we can provide special pricing at substantial savings so that both plans will have the same expiration date.
  • What if I lose the USB Flash Drive? There will be a replacement fee to cover the drive cost and a new license key issued. Make a backup so you can reduce the cost and time it takes to get the program up and running again.
  • I want to put this on a drive that plugs into the USB port - ie. a portable hard drive or SSD or an SD type card. Will it work? No, this software runs from a USB flash drive.