Below are links to pricing information for NetScanTools Pro, Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool and ipPulse. Be sure to look at the
Discounts tab to see if you are eligible for a discount. If you
try out the
NetScanTools Pro DEMO,
a discount link is found on the opening window at software startup (Buy Now).
NetScanTools® Pro Pricing
The links below go to detailed pricing for both the Installed version and the USB version.
Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool Pricing
The app is available two ways: either by unlocking a downloaded trial copy that was installed
on your hard drive or as fully portable USB Flash Drive based software which is not installed
but run from the flash drive.
- Switch Port Mapper 'stand-alone' installed version license is $499 USD.
- Switch Port Mapper USB version license (end user installed) is $699 USD.
- Switch Port Mapper USB version license (pre-installed on a USB flash drive shipped to you) is $749 USD + shipping to USA only.
Visit this page for more pricing information and to Buy Now.
Discounts for Eligible Buyers
We offer discounts for persons who are upgrading
older software, resellers, non-profit, educational and government buyers.
Find out if you are eligible.
Other Products
eSTOP has been discontinued - eSTOP is no longer being sold or supported.
NetScanTools Standard 5.x was discontinued August 1, 2004.
- For more information about our decision to
discontinue NetScanTools Standard 5.x, please see
this page.
- Please use
NetScanTools Basic -
it's free!