General Information

Renew your NetScanTools Pro v11 maintenance plan online below. If you are not sure of your plan expiration status, please contact us with your serial number or registration number.
Current version is now 11.94 released on December 26, 2024.

Please do not order without being sure of your expiration date!

Are you a USA sales tax exempt purchaser?

Our online reseller FastSpring charges sales tax depending on the purchaser's location. We cannot tell them you are tax exempt, but you can order directly from us tax free by phone or email to pay with a credit card - we will send a payment link.

Hint: click on the words inside the boxes to expand the boxes.

About the NetScanTools Pro Maintenance Plan

A new or upgrade license purchase of NetScanTools Pro 11 includes one year software maintenance in the purchase price. You must register to gain access to the benefits of the maintenance plan. Your maintenance plan begins on the date you receive the software.

Benefits of having an active plan

-All releases, both major and minor, by download from our site during the One Year Term - click for ordering options. You can see if an upgrade is available by going to Online/Check for New Version from within the program. The program will optionally tell you when a new version is ready. You may choose to 'opt-in' to a email new release notification list that we maintain when you register.

-Technical Support by phone or email during our business hours. Email support request form is here.

-A full download of the current installed version is available and can be accessed from within the program. (Installed Version only - the USB Version is an upgrade patch)

-A replacement of the Installed Version installation file in the event you need it. (we do encourage backups)

-USB Version: assistance in transferring the software from the original USB drive to a replacement drive if necessary.

If you are not sure of your plan expiration status, please contact us with your serial number or registration number.


Does NetScanTools Pro stop working at the end of the one year Maintenance Plan?

No, you can continue to use the software without restriction beyond the expiration of the Maintenance Plan*. Please be aware that if you choose not to renew, you will not have access to updated whois, IP to country, ethernet device or any new or updated tools.

*this may be subject to change.

How will I be reminded to renew my Maintenance Plan?

One of the items we send back to you as part of the registration email is the expiration date - you must enter it into the software. NetScanTools Pro 11 uses this number to remind you to renew starting 21 days prior to your expiration date. You can turn off the reminder on the Program Info/Preferences window.

We also send courtesy emails to the registered email address one month ahead of time.

How do I turn off the maintenance plan reminder message in NetScanTools Pro v11?

You can turn off the reminder on the Help menu/Preferences window.

How much will the Maintenance Plan renewal cost?

It varies with the term and whether or not you are renewing on time.

Can I renew online?

Yes, please see the Renew Now section below to renew online through our reseller FastSpring.

We are a USA based business that is tax exempt yet FastSpring wants to charge our state sales tax (US customers only). Help!

Please contact us to purchase directly with a credit card (tax exempt only or resellers). See below for phone number.

Can I renew by phone or purchase order?

Yes, USA/Canada only - please call +1 (360) 683-9888 during our office hours of 8am-12pm Monday through Friday (Pacific Time GMT-8) except US holidays. We accept Visa/Mastercard/American Express/Discover - you will be sent a purchase link. Sales TAX exempt purchases only.

Does the Maintenance Plan also cover the Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool?

No, they are independent applications. This plan only covers NetScanTools Pro.

Maintenance Plan Terms and Conditions

  • By installing or using the software and accepting the EULA, you accept the terms and conditions of the accompanying maintenance plan.
  • You must register to activate the Maintenance Plan.
  • One year (365 days) plan term commences from the date of purchase whether you register or not. For users who obtained the software from a class or seminar, the date of the class or seminar is used. For multiple license purchases, the date of purchase is used for all copies. For download purchases the date of registration or date of delivery by download is used, whichever is earlier.
  • We are not responsible for the end-user's inability to download updates due to network congestion or end-user's network security issues or blocking by the end-user's network access provider. We will make every effort at providing an alternate download location if necessary.
  • If you legally transfer the software to a third party, you relinquish all rights to the maintenance plan. You must notify us so that the third party can have their plan activated properly.
  • If you are found in violation of the end user license agreement (EULA), your maintenance plan rights are terminated.
  • We reserve the right to prorate plan duration if the wrong renewal option is purchased online.
  • We reserve the right to alter these terms and conditions at any time.

More purchase options

-PayPal is accepted as a payment option by our online reseller FastSpring. Use Buy Now buttons below.

-USA Sales Tax Exempt Customers: contact us by email or phone to order using a credit card - you will be sent a payment link.

-By Telephone using a credit card (US/Canada): please call (360) 683-9888 during our office hours of 8am-12pm Monday through Friday (Pacific Time GMT-8) except US holidays. We accept Visa/Mastercard/American Express/Discover - you will be sent a payment link. USA Sales Tax Exempt orders and WA state sales tax exempt/non-exempt orders.

-Purchase Orders (US/Canada only). Please see this page for information about purchase orders (again-you must be Sales Tax Exempt). Please include your Serial Number (CDKEY) and your current email address on the purchase order. You can find it by starting NetScanTools Pro and clicking on Help/About NetScanTools Pro.

-Resellers can assist in renewing your plan. Our list of resellers is here.

Renew an Installed Version -OR- USB Version Maintenance Plan

You will need either of these Serial Numbers:
  • Installed Version: V11-#...
  • USB Version: V11-U#...
  • Before ordering - PLEASE verify your expiration date using the email from your last order/registration code message or contact us.
  • Cost: $100 USD
  • Term: One (1) year
  • You will need Serial Number (CDKEY) from Help menu/About NetScanTools Pro
Authorized Reseller FastSpring accepts many credit cards, Amazon and Paypal payment methods.
FastSpring does not accept orders with free email addresses like or

  • Cost: $115 USD
  • Term: One (1) year
  • You will need Serial Number (CDKEY) from Help menu/About NetScanTools Pro
Authorized Reseller FastSpring accepts many credit cards, Amazon and Paypal payment methods.
FastSpring does not accept orders with free email addresses like or

  • Cost: $179 USD
  • Term: One (1) year included with the upgrade
  • You will need Serial Number (CDKEY) from Help menu/About NetScanTools Pro
Authorized Reseller FastSpring accepts many credit cards, Amazon and Paypal payment methods.
FastSpring does not accept orders with free email addresses like or Upgrade purchase includes a one year maintenance plan.

Renew an Installed Version -AND- USB Version Maintenance Plan

STOP! Read this! if you only have an Installed version license and *no* USB license (or vice versa), go to the section above this. You must own both an Installed Version (for a hard drive) and a USB Flash Drive Version license and you must be the registered user of both licenses.

You will need both of these Serial Numbers:
  • Installed Version: V11-#...
  • USB Version: V11-U#...
  • Before ordering - PLEASE verify your expiration date using the email from your last order/registration code message or contact us.
  • Cost: $150 USD
  • Term: One (1) year
  • You will need Serial Numbers (CDKEYs) from both applications. See Help menu/About NetScanTools Pro
Authorized Reseller FastSpring accepts many credit cards, Amazon and Paypal payment methods.
FastSpring does not accept orders with free email addresses like or

  • Cost: $165 USD
  • Term: One (1) year
  • You will need Serial Numbers (CDKEYs) from both applications. See Help menu/About NetScanTools Pro
Authorized Reseller FastSpring accepts many credit cards, Amazon and Paypal payment methods.
FastSpring does not accept orders with free email addresses like or