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NetScanTools Pro, Demo and Full Version

NetScanTools Pro version 11 Demo

Info: Full install/uninstall is included. This is a DEMO - it cannot be unlocked and converted into the Full Version.
Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Trial Period: 30 days
More Information: See the app description page.
Cost: $249
DEMO Version End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download NetScanTools Pro Demo

NetScanTools Pro version 11 Full Version

Current Licensees: Do you need a new installation file?

If you have an older version of NetScanTools Pro that is operational: Please click on Help/Check for New Version. Download links are in embedded web page. You will need an active maintenance plan to download. Your access credentials are shown above the embedded window.

If you did not save your installation file (we asked you to do that) and you do not have the software installed/running: please contact support.

NetScanTools Basic

A freeware program with these basic network tools: DNS Tools - Simple, Ping, Ping Scan, Graphical Ping, Traceroute and Whois. Additional description on this page.

Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Full install/uninstall is included
Trial Period: unlimited
Cost: $0
File name: (2921KB)
Current Version: 2.54, released 25 March 2020

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download NetScanTools Basic Now

Download NetScanTools Basic Now

Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool

The Managed Switch Port Mapping tool is a program that communicates with a managed ethernet switch via SNMPv1/v2c/v3 and maps the physical port connections to MAC and IP addresses of the attached devices. Full install/uninstall support.

Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
File name:
Trial Period: 30 days
More Information: See the app description page.
Cost: $229

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download the Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool

Download the Managed Switch Port Mapping Tool

SSL Certificate Scanner

Use this software to retrieve SSL Certificates from one or more secure web sites (or IPv4 addresses) and show information about the certificates and the SSL connections allowed by the server. Full install/uninstall support.

Operating System: Windows 11 or 10 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
File name:
Trial Period: 14 days
More Information: See the program description page.
Cost: $19.95

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download SSL Certificate Scanner

Download SSL Certificate Scanner


ipPulse is a Connectivity Status Monitoring Tool. Use ipPulse to monitor the up/down status of IP connected devices (nodes) on any IP connected network. ipPulse uses a variety of methods, including ping packets, tcp connects, and SNMP to poll and check the network connectivity of a list of user-defined nodes. ipPulse alerts you to failures using a variety of techniques ranging from audible messages to email notification.

Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
File name:
Full install/uninstall is included
Trial Period: 30 days
More Information: See the program description page.
Cost: $69

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download ipPulse

Download ipPulse


A freeware program designed to help you quickly find the Scope ID used to communicate with neighboring link local IPv6 addresses. Additional description on this page.

Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Full install/uninstall is included
Trial Period: unlimited
Cost: $0
File name: (2896K)
Current Version: 3.00, released 11 January 2013

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download IPv6ScopeFinder Now


A freeware program designed to query your default DNS for the ENUM NAPTR mapping between a telephone number and a SIP, H323, IAX2 or other URI. Use with VOIP systems to check your e.164 or freenum or other mappings. This program queries each default DNS assigned to your system using the or other root tree for the corresponding NAPTR records and displays them.

Operating System: Windows 10/8.x/7 - Requires GUI, not a command line tool.
Full install/uninstall is included
Trial Period: unlimited
Cost: $0
File name: (440K)
Current Version: 2.00, released 19 November 2008

End User License Agreement (EULA)
How to Uninstall

Download ENUMresolver Now